
Showing posts from October, 2022

ΔΙΑΒΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ: "Μικρό ημερολόγιο συνόρων», Γκασμέντ Καπλάνι

ΔΙΑΒΑΖΟΝΤΑΣ: "Μικρό ημερολόγιο συνόρων», Γκασμέντ Καπλάνι : Άρχισα να διαβάζω το «Μικρό ημερολόγιο συνόρων» χωρίς ψευδαισθήσεις, φανταζόμουν για τι θα μιλά το κείμενο, ίσως και να ήξερα πάνω κ...

ΝΕΩΤΕΡΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ: Μάχη με κομιτατζήδες έξω από την Αλεξανδρούπολη, τ...

ΝΕΩΤΕΡΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ: Μάχη με κομιτατζήδες έξω από την Αλεξανδρούπολη, τ... : *Εικόνα μιας από τις πολλές βουλγαρικές συμμορίες κομιτατζήδων Γράφει ο Παντελής Στεφ. Αθανασιάδης             Η Θράκη...

3 October: National Day in Memory of the Victims of Immigration in Italy

The classic questions which every migrant faces are twofold:  "Why are you here?" and  "When are you going back home?"  No migrant ever knows the answer to the second question until asked,  Only then does she know that really, in the deep sense,  She's never going back.  Migration is a one-way trip.  There's no "home" to go back to  Hall, S. (1987). Minimal Selves   

Slavoj Žižek: The Sublime Object of Ideology

Slavoj Žižek  is irrepressible.  He continues to produce at least two books a year in English and may well have just published what will become his magnum opus, The Parallax View (MIT Press, 2006).  The secondary literature on ÎiÏek has also now begun to emerge at an astonishing rate. Žižek tends to be read in a very decontextualized way.  Žižek's contribution to a Marxian understanding of ideology has been the structuring role of phantasy, not the idea that it works through the subject.  Žižek is a brilliant reader of Hegel and Lacan, but is not an original thinker like Lacan, who formulated his own terminology, or  Hegel, who developed his own philosophical system.  He has created a startling hybrid of Hegelianism and Lacanese, but the terms and concepts he deploys remain largely Lanan's.  Despite caricatured media portrayal as "the Elvis of cultural theory" and "the Marx brother", Žižek has attracted enormous international interest through...

Is addiction a choice? | Big Questions with Gabor Maté

Lots of us are normal and unhealthy at the same time  The addiction is an attempt to soothe the trauma - a response to trauma  If we actually understand what an addiction is, we realize that drugs are only a small part of the addictive spectrum  Why are we ostracizing a particular segment of the addicted population where virtually all of us -in this particularly stressful culture-have addictive patterns-or have had?  Health, physical or mental is a spectrum