a flutter of butterflies
Grammar: a collective noun is a count noun that denotes a group of individuals (e.g. assembly, family, crew, staff, company…): A noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people, animals and things.
Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people, animals and things. Words like group, herd, and array are collective noun examples. Two other large categories of nouns are the concrete and abstract nouns:
Concrete noun: names a person, place, thing that can be common or proper
Abstract noun: names a notion, something that cannot be seen or touched, it names something that can be thought about or conceived.
A collective noun can be used with either a singular verb
(My family was always hard-working) or a plural verb (his family were disappointed in him).
Generally speaking, in Britain it is more common for collective pronouns to be followed by a plural verb, while the US the opposite is true.
In British English, such nouns are commonly treated as plurals: “The Corporation are holding their annual meeting”, “The team are playing well”, “The government are in agreement”).
In American usage, a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in “the family was united on this question”. In American English, a collective noun naming an organization regarded as a unit is usually treated as singular: “the corporation is holding its annual meeting”, the team is having a winning session”, “the government has taken action”).
Notice that if the verb is singular, any following pronouns must be singular too: “the government is prepared to act but not until it knows the outcome of the latest talks (not: “until they know the outcome).
When a collective noun naming a group of people is treated as singular, it is referred to by the relative pronoun that or which: “His crew is one that/ which works hard”.
When a collective noun naming a group of people is treated as plural, the pronoun is who: “His crew are specialists who volunteered for the project”.
When the collective nouns couple and pair refer to people, they are usually treated as plurals: “The newly married couple have found a house near convenient transportation”, “the pair are busy furnishing their new home”.
The collective noun number, when preceded by a is treated as a plural: “a number of solutions were suggested”.
The collective noun number, when preceded by the is treated as a singular: “the number of solutions offered was astounding”.
In formal speech, oral and written, collective nouns are usually not treated as both singular and plural in the same sentence: “The enemy is fortifying its position”, “the enemy are bringing up their heavy artillery”.
Other common collective nouns are class, crowd, flock, panel, committee, board, group, audience, staff, labour, jury, body, family.
List of Common Collective Nouns
The list of common collective nouns contains words that describe groups of animals, people, or things. These words are sometimes interchangeable, and English writers and speakers often use them to describe sets of different things.
For example, the word swarm is usually used to discuss a group of insects such as ants, flies or bees, but many writers use it to talk about a very busy crowd of people. Once you are familiar with these words, you’ll notice that they are used in a variety of situations.
Herd: a group of herbivore animals
Pack: a group of canine animals such as wolves or dogs; also used to describe playing cards and packages containing multiple objects
Flock: a group of birds; also used to discuss small hooved animals such as sheep or goats
Swarm: a group of insects
Shoal: a group of fish
Group: a very general term used to describe people, places, things and animals
Crowd: usually used to describe a group of people
Gang: usually used to describe a group of criminals; also used to describe a group of workers, particularly sailors or dock workers
Mob: normally used to describe an angry or unruly group of people; also used to describe a group of kangaroos
Crew: usually used to denote a group of workers; also used to describe aircraft and ships personnel
Orchestra: a large, organized group of instrumentalists, led by a conductor
Panel: a group of experts
Board: a group of people, usually professionals, who take on an advisory role
Troupe: a group of actors or acrobats; also used to describe a group of monkeys
Bunch: usually a group of smallish objects such as grapes, flowers, keys, or bananas
Pile: an untidy collection of items such as rubbish
Heap: a mounded collection of items; used interchangeably with “pile”
Set: a tidy group of matched objects such as dishes; also used to describe rules or a social group of people
Stack: a group of items neatly laid on top of another; i. e., a stack of books
Series: used to discuss movies, books, or events that follow one after another, i.e. Star Trek or Harry Potter
Shower: usually used to describe rain, although it can be used to describe gifts or compliments
Fall: often used to discuss weather, such as rain, snow or hail.
The Animal Kingdom
A leap of salmon: μία ψαριά από σολομούς
A prickle of hedgehogs: σκαντζόχοιροι
Α drove of donkeys: ένα κοπάδι από γαϊδάρους
A parcel of hogs: ένα κοπάδι χοίρων
A sounder/ drift/ herd/ drove of swine: ένα κοπάδι γουρουνιών
A skulk /leash/ troop of foxes: ένα κοπάδι από αλεπούδες
A parliament of owls: σμήνος από κουκουβάγιες
A romp of otters: κοπάδι από βίδρες, κοπάδι από ενυδρίδες
A peep / flock of chickens: ένα κοτέτσι από κοτόπουλα
A plump/ pod/ harem/herd/colony of seals: κοπάδι από φώκιες
A leash of deer: κοπάδι ελαφιών
A squabble of seagulls: σμήνος γλάρων
A drift/ flock/ fold of sheep: κοπάδι από πρόβατα
A murder of crows: ένα σμήνος από κοράκια
A bouquet of pheasants: ένα σμήνος από φασιανούς
A cete of badgers: ένα κοπάδι από ασβούς
A herd of cattle: τα ζωντανά, το κοπάδι, βοοειδή
A circus of puffins: σμήνος από θαλασσοψιττακούς, αλιψίττακους/ «ο παπαγάλος της θάλασσας»
A crown of kingfisher: σμήνος από αλκυόνες
A padding of ducks: ένα κοπάδι από πάπιες
A trip/ husk / down of hares: κοπάδι από λαγούς
A skein of geese: σμήνος από πάπιες σε σχήμα V
A gaggle of geese: σμήνος από χήνες
A nest/ colony/ army of ants: μία φωλιά από μυρμήγκια
A band/ party/ scold of jays: σμήνος από κίσσες
A bale/ turn of turtles: κοπάδι από χελώνες
A bed / swarm of eels: κοπάδι από χέλια
A catch of fish: μία ψαριά
A school of mackerel: ένα κοπάδι από σκουμπριά
A school/shoal of fish: πλήθος από ψάρια
A school of whales: μία αγέλη από φάλαινες
A pod of dolphins: μία κοινότητα από δελφίνια
A pod of killer whales: μία αγέλη από όρκες
A charm of finches: σμήνος από σπίνους
A cloud /swarm/ horde of gnats: ένα σύννεφο από σκνίπες/ μυγάκια
A cloud of insects: ένα σύννεφο από έντομα
A swarm/cloud/ business of flies: ένα σύννεφο από μύγες
A colony of gulls: ένα σμήνος γλάρων
A clutter of spiders: ένα πλήθος από αράχνες
A drove of horses: μία αγέλη άλογα
A flight of sparrows: σμήνος από σπουργίτια
A herd / memory of elephants: αγέλη ελεφάντων
A hive of bees: κυψέλη, μελίσσι
A hover of trout: ένα κοπάδι πέστροφες
A litter of puppies: μία γέννα από κουτάβια
A mob of emus: εμού
A nest of mice: ποντικοφωλιά
A swarm of locusts: σύννεφο από ακρίδες
A team/ drove of oxen: κοπάδι από βόδια
A yoke of oxen: ένας ζυγός από βόδια
A troop/ pride of lions: ένα κοπάδι από λιοντάρια
A congregation of alligators: ένα κοπάδια από αλιγάτορες
A shrewdness/ troop of apes: μία κοινότητα από πιθήκους
A pace/ herd/ drove of asses: ένα κοπάδια από γαϊδάρους
A troop of baboons: μία ομάδα μπαμπουίνων
A sloth/ sleuth of bears: μία αγέλη από αρκούδες
A family/ colony of beavers: μία οικογένεια από κάστορες
A herd of wild swine: ένα κοπάδια από αγριογούρουνα
A sounder/ singular of boars: ένα κοπάδι αγριόχοιρων
An obstinacy/ herd/ troop/ gang of buffalo: ένα κοπάδι από βουβάλια
A flutter of butterflies: ένα σμήνος από πεταλούδες
A wake of buzzards: ένα σμήνος από γερακίνες/ βαρβακίνες
A train/ caravan/ flock of camels: ένα καραβάνι από καμήλες
A herd of caribou: ένα κοπάδι από αμερικανικούς ταράνδους
A clowder/ a cluster/ glaring/ pounce of cats: μία οικογένεια από γάτες
An army of caterpillars: μία φωλιά από κάμπιες
An exaltation of larks: ένα σμήνος από κορυδαλλούς
A lounge of lizards: μία φωλιά από σαύρες
A tiding of magpies: ένα σμήνος από καρακάξες
A labor of moles: μία οικογένεια από τυφλοπόντικες
A troop/ cartload of monkeys: μία κοινότητα από μαϊμούδες
A herd of moose: μία αγέλη αλκών
A herd/ gang of elk: μία αγέλη από ταράνδους
A barren/ span/pack of mules: κοπάδι ημιόνων
A bed of oysters: ένας βυθός από στρείδια
A company/ pandemonium of parrots: ένα σμήνος παπαγάλων
An ostentation/pride/muster of peacocks: ένα σμήνος από παγώνια
A pod of pelicans: σμήνος πελεκάνων
A rafter/ dole/ flock of turkeys: ένα κοτέτσι από γαλοπούλες
A bloat of hippos: μία αγέλη από ιπποπόταμους
A convocation/ aerie of eagles: ένα σμήνος αετών
A business of ferrets: ένα κοπάδι από κουνάβια
A stand/ flamboyance of flamingos: ένα σμήνος από φλαμίνγκο
A bevy of swans: ένας χορός από κύκνους
An army of frogs: μία οικογένεια βατράχων
A herd/ corps/ tower of giraffes: μία αγέλη από καμηλοπαρδάλεις
A flock/ herd/ tribe/ trip of goats: ένα κοπάδι από κατσίκες
A troubling of goldfish: χρυσόψαρα
A band/troop of gorillas: κοινότητα από γορίλες
A cloud of grasshoppers: ένα σμήνος από ακρίδες
A boil/ cast/ kettle of hawks: ένα σμήνος από γεράκια
A hedge / siege of herons: σμήνος από ερωδιούς
A herd/ band of horses: κοπάδι αλόγων
A mute/ brace/pack of hounds: αγέλη από κυνηγόσκυλα
A cackle of hyenas: αγέλη από ύαινες
A smack/ brood of jellyfish: ένα τσούρμο από μέδουσες
A mob/ herd of/ troop of kangaroos: μία κοινότητα από καγκουρό
An unkindness/ conspiracy of ravens: ένα σμήνος από κοράκια
A crash/ stubbornness of rhinoceroses: μία αγέλη από ρινόκερους
A building/ clamor of rooks: ένα σμήνος από κόρακες
A family of sardines: ψαριά από σαρδέλες
A school/shoal/ shiver of sharks: κοπάδια από καρχαρίες
A bed/ knot/ den/ nest/ pit of snakes: μία φωλιά από φίδια
A host/ ubiquity/ flight/ gulp of sparrows: σμήνος από σπουργίτια
A dray/ scurry of squirrels: μία φωλιά από σκίουρους
A chattering/ murmuration of starling: αγέλη από ψαρόνια
A mustering of storks: μία οικογένεια πελαργών
A bevy/ herd/ bank of swans: μία παρέα από κύκνους
An ambush/ streak of tigers: μία αγέλη από τίγρεις
A nest/ knot of toads: μία φωλιά με φρύνους
A blessing of unicorns: ένα κοπάδι από μονόκερους
A huddle/ herd of walruses: κοπάδι από θαλάσσιους ίππους (walrus-walruses)
A colony/ pack/ sneak/ gang of weasels: κοπάδι από νυφίτσες
A pod/ school/ mob/ gam of whales: κοπάδι φαλαινών
Α pack/rout of wolves: μία αγέλη λύκων
A wisdom of owls: μία κοινότητα από κουκουβάγιες
A wisdom of wombats: μία κοινότητα από φασκωλόμυες
A descent of woodpeckers: μία οικογένεια από δρυοκολάπτες
A herd/ zeal/ cohort of zebras: μία αγέλη από ζέβρες
A shoal of herrings: ένα κοπάδι από ρέγγες
A litter of piglets: μία γέννα από γουρουνάκια
A tribe of natives
Here follows a list of collective nouns used for groups of people. Some of these terms are very old, while others are newer and have become accepted after growing in use.
Many of the collective nouns for people are based around occupations and professions, while others are based of family, gender, nationality and other areas.
A class of students
An army of soldiers
A choir of singers
A crew of sailors
A band of musicians
A crowd of people
A gang of thieves
A group of dancers, a troupe/ a flight (male)/ a float (female) of dancers
A team of players
A pack of thieves
A staff of employees
A tribe of natives
An audience of listeners
A panel of experts
A gang of laborers
A flock of tourists
A board of directors
A troupe of acrobats
A faculty of academics
A cast/ company/ condescension/ cry/ queue of actors
An entrance of actresses
A bench of aldermen (alderman-aldermen=councilor, δημοτικός σύμβουλος)
A conflagration of arsonists (arsonist=εμπρηστής)
A troupe of artists
A team of athletes
A tabernacle of bakers (tabernacle=temple, λατρευτικός τόπος)
A babble of barbers
A promise of barmen
A thought of barons
A boast/ wiggery of barristers
A shower of bastards
A squad of beaters
A galaxy/ bevy of beauties
A fighting of beggars
A bench/ Psalter/ sea of bishops
A plush/ rascal of boys
A troop of boy scouts
A feast of brewers
A pack of brownies
A shuffle of bureaucrats
A goring of butchers
A sneer of butlers
A slate of candidates
A chapter/ dignity of canons
A company/ syndicate of capitalists
A college of cardinals
A pound of carpenters
A mass of Catholics
A gaggle of censors
An array of cheerleaders
A board/ brood of chess players
A congregation of churchgoers
A rookery/ school of clerks
An alley/ pratfall of clowns
A cutting/drunkship of cobblers
A gaggle/ riot of comedians
A hastiness of cooks
A saunter of cowboys
A shrivel of critics
A cowardice of curs (Cur=αχαΐρευτος)
A decanter of decorators
An amalgam/ brace/ wince of dentists
A rash of dermatologists
A set/ subtlety of designers
A doctrine of doctors
A board of directors
An obstruction of dons
An asylum/ roll of drummers
A pound of Englishmen
A prance of equestrians
A discord/panel of experts
A drift/ grumble/ sulk/exaggeration of fishermen
A trail of followers
A stalk of foresters
A peck of Frenchmen
A talent of gamblers
A glitter of generals
A helix of geneticists
A conglomerate/ formation of geologists
A plane of geometrists
A giggle of girls
A lie/ tedium of golfers
A plunder of goons
A gaggle of gossips
A slither of gossip columnists
A conjunction of grammarians
A nag/ wisdom of grandparents
A set of gym instructors
A troupe of gymnasts
A swish of hairdressers
A melody of harpists
An expectation of heirs
An observance of hermits
A trip of hippies
A flagon of hobos (hobo=ανέστιος, πλάνης, αλήτης)
A gang of hoodlums (hoodlum=κλεφτρόνι)
A cavalcade of horsemen
A blast of hunters
A multiply of husbands
A blur of impressionists
An imposition of in-laws
A pint of Irishmen
An explosion of Italians
A wheeze of joggers
A scoop/ slant of journalists
A bench/ sentence of judges
A damning of jurors
A banner/rout of knits
A bevy of ladies
A disputation/eloquence/escheat/greed/huddle/quarrel of lawyers
A drift of lecturers
A colony of lepers
A pink of liberals
A catalogue/ stack/ shush of librarians
An audience of listeners
An illusion of magicians
A bench of magistrates
A numbers/set of mathematicians
Riches of matrons
A morbidity of majors
A density of meatheads
A clutch/torque of mechanics
A band of men
A faith of merchants
A diligence of messengers
An amalgamation of metallurgists
A shower of meteorologists
A colony of microbiologists
An expectation of midwives
A troupe of minstrels
A slouch of models
A mutter of mother-in-laws
A cortege of mourners
A band/ orchestra of musicians
A mug/ reflection of narcissists
A squeal of nieces
A freeze of Northerners
Convent/murmur/pray of nuns
A mass/ execution of officers
A crowd of onlookers
A brace of orthodontists
A brace/ cast of orthopedists
An illusion/ misbelieving of painters
A flash of paparazzi
A body of pathologists
A virtue of patients
A meter of percussionists
A troupe of performers
A ponder of philosophers
A clique/ snap of photographers
A college of physicians
A pond of pianists
A crew/ yoke of pilots
A skirl of pipers
A flood/ flush of plumbers
An iamb/ obscurity/rhyme of poets
A posse of police
A lie/ equivocation/ odium of politicians
a fellowship of yeomen
A converting/ pontification of preachers
A discretion/ mass of priests
A gang/ pity of prisoners
A pomposity of professors
An archive/ bloat of programmers
A complex of psychoanalysts
A twaddle of public speakers
A blaze/ conflagration of pyromaniacs
A series of radiologists
A flight of refugees
A pan of reviewers
A melee/ mob of rioters
A band of robbers
A crew/ deck of sailors
A sample of salesmen
A rout of schoolboys
A scolding of seamstresses
A house of senators
A subtlety of sergeants-at-law
An obeisance of servants
A Sodom of shepherds
A posse of sheriffs
A patrol of policemen
A regimen of soldiers
A blackening of shoemakers
A crush of shoppers
A billow/ hack of smokers
An army/ brigade/ company/ division/ muster/platoon/ troop of soldiers
A Simplicity of subalterns
A bed of swingers
A proud showing of tailors
An attitude/ grunt of teenagers
A den/gang/skulk of thieves
A graft of tree surgeons
A board of trustees
An unction of undertakers
A circle of professionals
A sprig of vegetarians
A prudence of vicars
An order of waiters
An amble of walkers
A linkage/ net of webmasters
An ambush of widows
A coven of witches
A gaggle of women
A congregation of worshippers
A clutch/ crunch of wrestlers
A worship of writers
A fellowship of yeomen
A horde of savages
A host of angels
A line of kings/ rulers
A staff of servants
A crowd of spectators
A field of athletes
A relay of runners
a chest of drawers
A group/ archipelago of islands
A galaxy of stars
A fleet of ships
A forest/ clump/ grove of trees
A string of pearls
A string of beads an album of photographs
A hedge of bushes
A library of books
A basket of fruit
A wreath of flowers
A bowl of rice
A pack of cards
A deck of cards
A pack of lies
A pair of socks
A pair of gloves
A pair of shoes
A suit of clothes
A pair of scissors
A bouquet of flowers
A bunch of keys
A range of mountains/hills
A bunch / comb/ hand of bananas
A bunch of grapes
A bale of cotton
An anthology of poems
A battery of guns
A stack of arms
A shower of blows
A block of flats
A bundle of rags/ old clothes
A bundle s of firewood/ sticks
A bundle of hay
A catalogue of prices/ goods
A stock of goods
A chest of drawers
A cluster of coconuts
A cloud of dust
A layer of dust
A clump of bushes
A collection of coins
A hail of bullets
A harvest of wheat/ corn
A sheaf of corn
A sheaf of wheat
A tuft of grass
A tuft of hair
A lock of hair
A heap of rubbish
A heap of ruins
A hedge of bushes
A heap of stones
An outfit of clothes
An orchard of fruit trees
A packet of cigarettes
A packet of letters
A sheaf of papers
A quiver of arrows (quiver=φαρέτρα)
A ream of paper
A reel of thread/ film
A set of china
A set of clubs
An ear of corn
A head of cabbage
A shower of rain
A stack of hay
A stack of wood
A stack of timber
A gallon of gasoline
A piece of advice
A bar of soap
A tub of margarine
A suite of furniture
A suit of rooms
A set of tools
A fleet of vehicles
a wad of currency/ notes
The English language Teacher

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