“Curate’s Egg”: (UK) an idiom that is applied when something is partly good, but mainly bad.
E.g. the film is something of a curate’s egg
“Curate’s egg dates to a cartoon published in the humorous British magazine “Punch” in 1895
Synonym idioms/ words:
All very good/ fine/ well, as far as it goes, average, acceptable, adequate, agreeable, be nothing special, be standard, be nothing to get excited about, be up to par, bog-standard, cut both/ two ways, double-edged, fair to middling, forgettable, goodish, half decent, iffy, impure, mediocrity, indifferent, not all roses, passable, of a kind, rough edges, second best, second-rate, the best of a bad bunch/ lot, the lesser of two evils, the next best thing, unexceptionable, up to scratch
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