From stem to stern (US) : throughout all of something,from one end of something to the other:
. Example: “We cleaned the house from stem to stern","We overhauled the car from stem to stern";as well as the figurative meaning mentioned above, from stem to stern also has a literal meaning: from the front to the back of a ship or boat.
Complete and Whole. Thesaurus:
(from) soup to nuts idiom (up) to the hilt idiom A, a a/one hundred percent idiom absolute absolutely aggregate all all all or nothing idiom all told idiom all-in-one all-inclusive altogether at/in one fell swoop idiom away be an artist, professional, etc. to your fingertips idiom blanket catch-all clean closure complete completely completeness comprehensive comprehensively consummate cover cross dead diametrically direct entire entirely entirety exhaustive fairly fell fibre fingertip flat flat out 2 flatly from A to Z idiom from head to toe idiom from stem to stern idiom full full-blown full-fledged full-length full-scale fullness fully fully fledged global hand head heart heart and soul idiom hilt holistic hundred implicit in in toto inclusive intact integrity last macro nothing once out of hand idiom outright overwhelmingly piece plain plumb proper pure quite regular root root and branch idiom self-contained sound soundly soup start stem sweeping systemic thorough thoroughly through through and through idiom to the last idiom told total totality totally toto unabridged unadulterated unconditional uncut undivided unequivocal unexpurgated unfiltered unmitigated unqualified utter whole wholesale wholly with every fibre of your being idiom
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