To bury the hatchet: to stop an argument and become friends again,to become friendly with someone again after a disagreement
Can't you two just bury the hatchet?
absolution afraid amends apologetic apologize apology atone for sth atonement bad beg bury bury the hatchet idiom bygone clear clear the air idiom conciliate crawl crawl back (to sb) idiom cut cut sb some slack idiom excusable excuse excuse/pardon my French! idiom expiate forge forge ahead forgivable forgive forgiveness forgiving French if you'll pardon the expression idiom make make it up to sb idiom make up mend mend your fences idiom my bad idiom overlook pardon pardon (me) idiom pardonable penance penitent recompense reconcile reconciliation remission reparation repent repentant sink sink your differences idiom sorry soz take take sb back turn turn the other cheek idiom unrepentant,
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Arguments and arguing
To argue
Physical fights
To oppose something or someone
Opposed to someone or something
Expressions showing anger and used in arguments
Words used to describe people who are quick to argue
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To not hurt or harm someone or something
Related words
ADR (noun)
alternative dispute resolution: a system such as mediation that allows parties to a legal argument to settle their case without going to a court of law
agree to differ/disagree
to accept that someone else does not have the same opinion as you and agree not to argue about it any more
alternative dispute resolution (noun)
a system such as mediation that allows parties to a legal argument to settle their case without going to a court of law. It is often referred to as ADR.
anything for a quiet life
used for saying that you will let someone do what they want in order to avoid an argument
arbitrate (verb)
to officially try to settle a disagreement by considering all the facts and opinions
be caught in the middle
to be involved in a disagreement between other people
break up
to stop a fight
bridge-building (noun)
the activity of improving relationships between people or groups
buckle (verb)
to stop trying to do something, or to stop opposing someone, because you have no energy or determination left
build bridges
to help two people, groups, or countries who have disagreed to have a more friendly relationship
bury the hatchet
to become friendly with someone again after a disagreement
call off
to tell an animal or person to stop attacking or chasing someone
come to terms (with someone)
to make an agreement, or to end an argument with someone
compromise (noun)
a way of solving a problem or ending an argument in which both people or groups accept that they cannot have everything they want
compromise (noun)
involving a compromise
compromise (verb)
to solve a problem or end an argument by accepting that you cannot have everything that you want
concede (verb)
to stop trying to win a war, competition, or argument because you realize that you cannot win it
concession (noun)
something you give or allow to someone in order to reach an agreement
conciliate (verb)
formal to do something in order to end an argument or make someone feel less angry
conciliation (noun)
a process that is intended to end an argument between two groups of people
conciliatory (adjective)
trying to end an argument and make people feel less angry
fence-mending (noun)
an attempt to become friends again with someone who you have argued with
give in
to stop competing or arguing and accept that you cannot win
hold your peace
to avoid an argument by remaining silent
keep the peace
to avoid or prevent an argument
the last word (noun)
the last thing said in an argument
let bygones be bygones
to decide to forget about a disagreement or something unpleasant that has happened in the past
make up
to become friendly with someone again after an argument
make (your) peace (with someone)
to end an argument with someone and stop feeling angry towards them
mediate (verb)
to try to end a disagreement between two people or groups
mend verb
to do something to end an argument or disagreement
mend fences
to try to become friends again with someone who you have argued with
olive branch (noun)
something that someone does in order to show that they want to stop arguing. The olive branch is often used as a sign meaning peace
pacific adjective
wanting peace, or trying to end fights and arguments
patch up
to become friends with someone again after a disagreement
peaceable (adjective)
behaving or happening in a way that avoids arguments and violence
peace-loving (adjective)
preferring to avoid arguments and violence
pour oil on troubled waters
to try to make people feel better and become friendly again after an argument
pull apart
to separate two people or animals that are fighting
settle (verb)
to end an argument by making an agreement
settle an account/settle accounts
to end a disagreement or argument with someone by defeating them
sink your differences
to stop arguing and come to an agreement
sue for peace
if a country that has been fighting sues for peace, it asks for the fighting to stop in order to avoid being defeated totally
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