countable noun [usually singular]
A perfect storm is an unusual combination of events or things that produce an unusually bad or powerful result.
Investors are faced with the perfect storm of slowing economic growth, rising prices and an unstable housing market.
perfect storm in British
a combination of events which are not individually dangerous, but occurring together produce a disastrous outcome.
an extremely bad situation in which many bad things happen at the same time.
a very unpleasant situation in which several bad things happen at once.

In a difficult situation
Dangerous or exciting situations
In a dangerous situation
To be in, or to get into a difficult situation
Words used to describe difficult situations
Confused or confusing situations
crisis (noun)
an urgent, difficult, or dangerous situation
battle (noun)
a situation in which someone is trying very hard to deal with a difficult situation
nightmare (noun)
an extremely difficult or frightening situation
ordeal (noun)
an extremely unpleasant experience, especially one that lasts for a long time
trouble (noun)
an unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous situation
hell (noun)
a situation that is extremely unpleasant
tragedy (noun)
a bad situation that makes people very upset or angry
quagmire (noun)
a situation that is so difficult or complicated that you cannot make much progress
worst-case scenario
a situation that is the worst one that you can imagine
stress (noun)
a situation that makes you feel stress
a bad/poor lookout (for)
a bad or unpleasant situation that is likely to happen to someone or something
a baptism of fire
a very difficult first period in a new job, activity, or situation
a bitter pill (to swallow)
an unpleasant fact or situation that is difficult to accept
a can of worms
a situation that involves a complicated set of problems that you discover when you start dealing with it
a fate worse than death
something very bad that could happen to you
a nasty business
a situation that is unpleasant or upsetting, especially one that is unfair or involves violence
a thin time
a difficult time, especially because there is not much money available
a tight corner/spot/situation
a difficult situation
bad hair day (noun)
informal a difficult day when nothing seems to go well for you
balls-up (noun)
british impolite a mistake, or a difficult situation caused by mistakes that someone has made
bitter pill (noun)
an unpleasant fact or situation that is difficult to accept
black hole (noun)
informal a situation in which there is a lot of sadness and very little hope
carnage (noun)
mainly journalism a situation that is difficult or full of problems
catch-22 situation (noun)
a set of problems that is impossible to escape from because each problem must be solved first before you can solve any of the others
corner (noun)
a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from
crunch (noun)
mainly americaninformal a situation that is very difficult because you do not have enough of something, especially time or money
cul-de-sac (noun)
a situation in which you can make no more progress or from which you cannot escape
curse (noun)
an unpleasant situation or influence that continues for a long time
dead end (noun)
a situation in which no further progress is possible
deadlock (noun)
a situation in which neither person or group involved in a disagreement is willing to change their opinions or position
the depths of something
the most severe part of an unpleasant time, feeling, or situation
dilemma (noun)
a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision
discomfort (noun)
something that makes you feel slightly ill or uncomfortable
distress (noun)
an unpleasant and difficult situation caused by a lack of money, food, or other basic things
the doldrums (noun)
a situation in which there is a lack of success, activity, or improvement
double bind (noun)
a difficult situation in which you have two choices, but each one will have a bad result
double whammy (noun)
mainly journalism a set of two bad events or situations that have an effect at the same time
easy/rough (ride)
a period of time when you experience no problems/a lot of problems
entanglement (noun)
a complicated situation or relationship
fate (noun)
the things that happen to someone, especially unpleasant things
feast or famine
a situation in which there is either far too much of something or not nearly enough of it
fix (noun)
informal a difficult situation or a big problem
gridlock (noun)
a situation in which it is impossible to make progress
hardship (noun)
a situation in which life is very difficult, usually because you do not have enough money
hell on earth
an extremely unpleasant situation or place
horror (noun)
the horror of an experience is how unpleasant it is
horror story (noun)
informal an unpleasant experience
the hot seat (noun)
informal a difficult position in which you are responsible for decisions and problems that may make many people angry
imbroglio (noun)
formal a difficult, complicated, or embarrassing situation
impasse (noun)
a situation in which progress is not possible because none of the people involved are willing to change their opinion or decision
imposition (noun)
an unfair or unreasonable situation that you are expected to accept
information overload (noun)
a situation in which you get more information than you can deal with at one time and become tired and confused
jam (noun)
a difficult situation
jungle (noun)
a place or situation that is unpleasant because people are trying to achieve things for themselves and are not helping each other
(just) the tip of the iceberg
a problem or difficult situation that shows that a much more serious problem exists
knock (noun)
something bad or unpleasant that happens to someone
logjam (noun)
a situation in which one problem is stopping anything else from being done
low (noun)
a bad time in your life
mess (noun)
a difficult situation with a lot of problems, especially because people have made mistakes
mire (noun)
an unpleasant situation that you cannot easily escape from
misadventure (noun)
formal something bad that happens to you
misfortune (noun)
something harmful or unpleasant that happens to someone
night (noun)
literary a period of great sadness, failure etc
not a barrel of laughs
a very unpleasant experience or situation
no-win situation (noun)
a situation in which there is no chance of success
one of those days
a day when you seem to have a lot of problems
overcrowding noun
unpleasant conditions caused by too many people or things being in the same place
palaver noun
informal a situation that causes you a lot of unnecessary trouble or work
perfect storm (noun)
a very unpleasant situation in which several bad things happen at once
pit (noun)
mainly literary a state in which you have very strong unpleasant feelings or in which something bad is happening
plight (noun)
a sad, serious, or difficult situation
poetic justice (noun)
bad things that happen to someone and are deserved because of their bad behaviour
pressure cooker (noun)
informal a difficult situation in which people have to work very hard or experience a lot of strong emotions
purgatory (noun)
an unpleasant place or experience
rat race (noun)
an activity, job, or situation in which there is a lot of competition and people are too busy to relax or enjoy themselves
the rub (noun)
literary a problem, or a difficult situation
the school of hard knocks (noun)
the difficult experiences that happen in someone’s life and that influence the type of person they become
scrape (noun)
informal a difficult situation that someone causes by being careless
shitstorm (noun)
impolite a situation in which people are very angry or there are a lot of problems
slippery slope (noun)
a problem or situation that is getting worse and will become extremely bad unless it is stopped
spiral (noun)
a situation that gets worse and worse
spot (noun)
(informal) a difficult situation
stalemate (noun)
a situation in which progress is impossible because the people or groups involved cannot agree
suffering (noun)
mental or physical pain or problems
tangle (noun)
a situation that is difficult to deal with because things are not organized properly
tension (noun)
a situation in which opposing aims, ideas, or influences cause problems
test (noun)
a difficult situation that shows what qualities someone or something has
toils (noun)
literary a difficult or unpleasant situation that you cannot get away from
torment (noun)
severe physical or mental pain that someone suffers, often caused deliberately by someone else
trap (noun)
a bad or unpleasant situation that is difficult to change or escape from
travail (noun)
literary a very difficult situation, or a situation in which you must work very hard
treadmill (noun)
a situation that is very tiring or boring because you do the same things continuously
trial (noun)
a painful or difficult experience
trouble (noun)
a situation for which you are likely to be blamed, criticized, or punished
tsunami (noun)
a disastrous situation that cannot be controlled
victimhood (noun)
the situation of someone who is a victim, or who thinks that they have been unfairly treated
whammy (noun)
something very difficult or unpleasant that unexpectedly happens to someone. A double whammy is two bad things happening close together.
whirlpool (noun)
a situation in which you lose control of what is happening, usually in an unpleasant way
the worst of all/both worlds
used for saying that a person or situation has all the disadvantages that are possible
Resources: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/
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